ADGA: D1332090 AGS: D28113 DOB 1/01/05 Sire: MCH ++B SG ARMCH PromisedLand S Mel Gibson +S VG (MCH Maple Tree Knoll Snickers E X Caesar's Villa CBS Minuet 2*D E) Dam: PromisedLand My Fair Lady 3*D (MCH Munchranch Dennis the Menace +*S E E X Wooly Dog Down June Bug 2*D)
"Although he appears black here, Beau is a very, very dark brown, swiss marked buckling. It's kind of weird, but notice his left rear leg, which is a totally different color than the other three legs. At this point, I'm not sure if it's the result of moon spotting or not. He does come from lines that do carry moon spots. His dam has one of the highest, widest rear udders I've seen in the Nigerian Dwarf breed. She also has near ideal medial, excellent teat size, shape, and placement, and collapses to nothing after milking. It's a shame that her udder was ruined for the show ring due to a case of mastitis as a first freshener. Beau is very long and level, and should carry excellent mammary system genetics and dairy character from both sides of his pedigree. We plan to use Beau heavily over the next couple of years. CAE negative" 7/11/05 ~ Keith Harrell